Sven Wimnell
Problems in Planning

How can we make the World a better place?
An Encyclopedic Classification of Human Activities

A short Introduction
    When you see the World it is easy to find crises and miseries both far away and nearby. Man is always trying to solve his problems, with their various degrees of complexity, different spatial scales (local - national - global) and time scales (short - medium - long range), more or less well-informed about the realities that surround him. Often the result of the activities is status quo and not seldom the conditions are worsened.

Some important questions in connection with human activities:

  • How can we avoid serious conflicts between groups of people and between individuals?
  • How can we make it easier for people with different backgrounds, from different professions, to communicate?
  • How can we see the details without losing the big picture?
  • How can we mitigate the information stress and especially then the information overload?
  • How can we be more foreseeing and avoid the most serious problems?
  • Is it possible to plan and govern our societies in a reasonable way to improve the World ?
This is the point of departure for my research.

To seek the answers to these questions the research has followed four different lines:

  1. Inquiries and descriptions of the World and all its problems with conditions and changes.
  2. Formulation of a description or classification system that in a systematic way will picture the World and its problems. The problems are classified so that they and their connections can be understood and the system, so described, make a mean for directing towards the future.
  3. Inquiries and descriptions about plannings as means to improve the World, and application of the classification system as a planning tool.
  4. Proposals for conclusions and measures that can improve the development. Some observations and suggestions that are especially important and of basic signification.

There is a need for organizing all relevant information in a way that makes it more easy to deal with when forming our future.

    My system is based on the most applied document classification system in the World, the more than 100 years old Dewey Classification, DC, and its successor the Universal Decimal Classification, UDC.
    Foremost, this system of mine classifies human activities and not so much documents (or collections of information) and it has the following classes at its highest level:

  1. Psychological and Philosophical activities.
  2. Religious activities.
  3. Politics and political activities.
  4. Inter-disciplinary activities.
  5. Activities in Science and Mathematics.
  6. Activities in Technology and Economics.
  7. Activities in Designing Physical and Social Environments.
  8. Activities in Language, Literature, and Fiction.
  9. Miscellaneous Documentary activities. Newspapers.
    General Geography. Biography. General History.

Humans’ conditions of life depend on four changeable factors:

  • The bodily conditions of the individual, i.e. the individual’s bodily status and personal means for the bodily needs. (Människornas kroppar)
  • The psychical conditions of the individual, i.e. the different mental conditions and activities of the individual, the inner reality of the individual. (Människornas psyken)
  • The physical environment of the individual -- the physical society.(Fysiska miljöer) The physical environment have reference to:
    * The physical environment as esthetic objects with cultural values and functions
    * The physical environment as material objects with economical values and technological functions.
  • The social environment of the individual -- the social society i.e. the psychical interplay between humans. (Sociala miljöer)

Bild/picture 7. To the left the beginning of the history. To the right the "paradise" in the future.

The most important changes in the world depend mainly on human activities:

  • Individual volitions (individernas viljor).
  • Collective volitions (kollektiva viljor).
  • Activities for the body (handlingar för kroppen)(economic- technological activities).
  • Activities for the psyche (handlingar för psyket) (information - cultural activities).
    The activities have influence on each other in a chain whithout an end. t 1=time 1, t 2=time 2


Bild/picture 1. The fundamental chain:

Humans exert influence by activities in four different roles in life:

  • A.The main role: general living role, layman role, or spare time role.
  • A1:
    to live, generally, with body and psyche in the physical and social environments with their possibilities and within the bounds that are given by the political governing.
  • A2:
    to exert influence on the political actions of governing that direct or indirect govern the individual’s conditions of life depending on the four, above mentioned, factors.
  • B. The secondary role: gainful employment role, expert role, or professional role.
  • B1:
    to find a proper place in the labor market and do the work with regard to one’s own egoistic requirements.
  • B2:
    to manage the work, in the common distribution of labor, with regard to the rightful claims of other members in the society.


Bild/picture 2.

  1. Psychological and Philosophical activities. Knowledge and valuations.
  2. Religious activities.
  3. Politics and political activities.
  4. Inter-disciplinary activities. In the picture the background with the arrows.
  5. Activities in Science and Mathematics.
  6. Activities in Technology and Economics.
  7. Activities in Designing Physical and Social Environments.
  8. Activities in Language, Literature, and Fiction.
  9. Miscellaneous Documentary activities. Newspapers. General Geography. Biography. General History.

Individuals and societies make plans for the future.

    The purpose of the planning activities is to find out what your intentions ought to be. The activities consist of four moments that can be accounted for in many different ways depending on the actual planning situation:

  • How was it?       Knowledge and experiences in the past. (Hur var det?)
  • How is it?           Accurate knowledge about the current condition. (Hur är det?)
  • How can it be?  Possible alternatives in the future. (Hur kan det bli?)
  • How should it be?   The alternative(s) that should be chosen. (Hur bör det bli?)

These questions should be asked in connection with all human activities.

    The answers to the question How it should be?, should be formulated from an equality perspective with respect for the effects on the individuals’ conditions of life, given by their

  • psychical and
  • bodily conditions and by their
  • physical and
  • social environments.

Bild/picture 5. Political (politiska) and unpolitical (opolitiska) plannings.

34 Laws
35 The parliment and so on
36-39 Political planning of 36 bodies, 37 psyches, 38 physical and 39 social environments.
4 Inter-disciplinary activities. In the picture the background with the arrows.
From the unpolitical plannings in 10-33 and 50-99 go requierments to the planners in 36-39, and they shall put them together and give proposals to 35 where they can do laws who rule 10-99.

If you want to improve the world - make the world a better place - you ought to work in all four fields 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 and 7-9.

     These fields contain means, but 1-2, and only 1-2, contains a final goal. The four fields have influence on each other and directly or indirectly on the final goal: satisfaction for the individual.
     The following scheme can be used for individuals, groups of individuals, societies, groups of societies, activity fields and for geographic areas of different sizes and for periods of different length.


Bild/picture 6.

1/2 The inner reality of the individual as mean for changeing activities.
3/4 Politics.
5/6 Economic activities, for the body.
7/9 Cultural activities, for the psyche.
1/2 The inner reality of the individual seen as a goal for satisfaction.

Till Sven Wimnells entrésida. To entry.
Till Introduktionen. To swedish introduction.
Till Forskningsarbetet om samhällsplaneringens problem. To research.
Till Verksamheter i Sverige och i världen. To activities.
Till Verksamheter i rollerna A och B. To activities, roles A and B.
Till Sven Wimnells systemtabell. To table 10-99.
Till popup-tabell, To popup table 10-99.
©1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014
Sven Wimnell, arkitekt SAR : Epost: