Från Internet 7 juni 1999. 2 st söksystem byggda på bibliotekssystemet DC ( söksystemet BUBL LINK) och bibliotekssystemet DK (söksystemet NISS). En jämförelse och en jämförelse också med Sven Wimnells systemtabell.Denna redovisning inlagd på hemsidans introduktion den 3 juli 1999. Den 21 oktober flyttad till 102.
BUBL LINK Catalogue of selected Internet resources
I det följande: länkar från och Inlagda i Sven Wimnells nedanstående systemtabell.
O....1 Psykologiska och filosofiska verksamheter (SW-SYSTEM) B: 100 Philosophy and psychology (DC) (BUBL LINK) N: 1 Philosophy (DK) (NISS) O....10 Samlade kunskaper och övergripande värderingar O....101 Bibliografiska verksamheter. Arkiv. B: 010 Bibliography Includes: guides on citing references. N: 01 Bibliography 011 Bibliographies 017 Library catalogues O....102 Biblioteksverksamheter.Databaser.Internetsökning B: 020 Library and information sciences Includes: library home pages, library operations, digital libraries. See also LIS subject terms, library catalogues N: 02 Librarianship O....103 Allmänna encyklopedier. Övergripande värderingar B: 030 General encyclopaedic works Includes: encyclopaedia, thesauri, dictionaries.. N: 03 Reference works O....104 Övergripande filosofiska verksamheter om samband O....105 Övergripande om samhällsforskning och -planering O....106 Övergripande om ekonomiska verksamheter O....107 Övergripande filosofier om utbildning o d. O....108 Samhällskunskap. Samhällsguiden. O....109 Ide- filosofi- och lärdomshistoria. O....11/19 Individernas inre verkligheter. O....11 Individens lager av kunskaper, erfarenheter o d. O....12 Individens visioner, framtidsvisioner o d. O....13 Individens känslor, värderingar od. Estetik. O....14 Individens ideologi / uppfattning om samband o d. O....15 Individens psykiska mekanismer Psykologi o d. O....16 Individens logik. Vetenskpsteori o d. O....17 Individens moral och uppfattningar om moral. O....18/19 Filosofer, äldre och senare, i öst och väst. B: 100 Philosophy: general resources 100 Philosophy: departments 100 Philosophy: journals 100 Philosophy: societies 107 Philosophy education 110 Metaphysics 120 Epistemology, causation, humankind 130 Paranormal phenomena 140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints 150 Psychology 160 Logic 170 Ethics (moral philosophy) 180 Ancient, medieval, oriental philosophy 190 Modern Western philosophy 001 Knowledge, humanities and research Includes: scholarship, humanities, research methods, research funding. N: 1 Philosophy 14 Philosophical systems 15 On to Psychology 159 On to Psychology 159.9 Psychology 16 Logic 17 Ethics 00 Knowledge fundamentals O....2 Religiösa verksamheter o d B: 200 Religion N: 2 Religion. Theology O....20 Övergripande religiösa verksamheter o d O....21 Allmän religionsvetenskap O....22/28 Kristna religioner O....29 Icke kristna religioner o d B: 200 Religion: general resources 200 Religion: education and research 210 Philosophy and theory of religion 230 Christianity: general resources 230 Christianity: journals 230.041 Bible 238 Christian creeds and catechisms 242 Christian writings 246 Christian art 252 Texts of sermons 268 Christian education 270 History of Christianity 280 Christian denominations 294.3 Buddhism 294.4 Jainism 294.5 Hinduism 294.6 Sikhism 295 Zoroastrianism 296 Judaism 297 Islam 297.93 Baha'i Faith 299.514 Taoism 299 Other religions N: 21 Religious philosophy 22 Bible: Christianity 23 Christianity 29 All other religions 291 Comparative religion 292 Ancient Greek and Roman religions 293 Nordic mythology 294 Buddhism and Hinduism 294.3 Buddhism 294.5 Hinduism 295 Parseeism 296 Judaism 297 Islam 299 World Religions. Religions not mentioned O....3 Politikvetenskaper och politiska verksamheter. B: 300 Social sciences N: 3 Social sciences O....31 Statistik och demografi B: 310 Collections of general statistics . Includes: UK census and survey data, international economic statistics N: 31 Demography. Sociology. Statistics O....32 Statsvetenskap B: 320 Political science. Includes: civil liberties, human rights, international relations and migration. N: 32 Politics O....33 Nationalekonomi, internationell ekonomi Nationalekonomiska delar av ekonomi som visas under 65 O....34 Lagar o förordningar, traktat, juridik B: 340 Law Includes: United Nations, intellectual property, copyright, criminal justice N: 34 Law 343 Criminal law O....35 De demokratiskt valda församlingarnas verksamheter. O....351 Sveriges riksdag (och motsvarande utomlands) O....352 Kommun- och landstingsfullmäktige (och mots.) O....353 Sveriges regering (och motsvarande utomlands) O....354 Mellanfolkliga centrala organ (FN, EU o d) B: 350 Public administration . Includes: government departments and budgets. N: 35 Government 352 Local government 353 Regional government 354 Central government O....36/39 Politiska krav och politiska planeringar: individernas kroppsliga förhållanden. utbildning o d. fysiska miljöer o ekonomiska verks. sociala miljöer, nöjen, sport o d O....4 Sambandsforskningsverksamheter. O....40 Systemvetenskap B: 003 Systems Includes: complexity, cybernetics, simulation. N: 519.8 Operational research O....5 Naturforsknings- och matematikverksamheter. B: 500 Natural sciences and mathematics N: 5 Science O....50 Allmänt om naturforskning. Naturkunskap O....51 Matematik O....52 Astronomi, rymdforskning O....53 Fysik o d O....54 Kemi o d O....55 Geologi, meteorologi, hydrologi o d O....56 Paleontologi, arkeologi o d O....57 Biologi,ekologi.Naturgeogr. Utv.lära, ärftlighet O....58 Botanik. O....59 Zoologi B: 500 Natural sciences 510 Mathematics 520 Astronomy and allied sciences 530 Physics 540 Chemistry 550 Earth sciences 560 Palaeontology 570 Life sciences, biology 580 Plants 590 Animals Archaeology. ( från 9) N: 50 On to Environmental science 504 Environmental science 51 Mathematics 511 Number theory 512 Algebra 512.7 Algebraic geometry 514 Geometry 515 On to Topology: Mathematics 515.1 Topology: Mathematics 517 Analysis: Mathematics 519 Combinatorics, Probability, Cybernetics, OR 519.1 Combinatorics: Mathematics 519.2 Probability: Mathematics 519.7 Cybernetics, Mathematical 52 Astronomy 521 Theoretical astronomy 523 Solar system 528 Geodesy. Surveying 528.8 Remote sensing 528.9 Cartography. Mapping 53 Physics 537 Electricity 54 Chemistry 542 Laboratory chemistry 543 Analytical chemistry 544 Physical chemistry 548 Crystallography 549 Mineralogy 55 Earth sciences 550 On to Geophysics 550.3 Geophysics 550.34 Seismology 551 On to Geology 551.1 Geology 551.2 On to Volcanoes: Geology 551.21 Volcanoes: Geology 551.3 Glaciology/marine deposits 551.32 Glaciology 551.35 Marine deposits 551.4 Geomorphology 551.46 Oceanography 551.5 Meteorology 552 Petrology 556 Hydrosphere 56 Palaeontology 57 Biology 572 Anthropology 574 Ecology 575 Genetics 576 Cell biology. Cytology 577 Biochemistry. Molecular biology. Biophysics 579 Microbiology 58 Botany 59 Zoology 596 Vertebrata: Zoology 90 On to Archaeology 902 Archaeology O....6 Teknologiska / Ekonomiska verksamheter. B: 600 Technology (applied sciences) N: 6 Applied science O....60 Allmänt om teknologiska o ekonomiska verksamheter B: 600 Technology . Includes: patents and inventions. O....61 Hälso- o sjukvårdsverks., räddning o d. Veterinärverks B: 610 Medical sciences, medicine Includes: nursing, anatomy, health promotion, pharmacology, diseases, psychiatry. 630 (Agriculture and related technologies Includes: animal husbandry and ) veterinary science. N: 61 Medical sciences 611 Anatomy 612 Physiology 613 Hygiene. Personal hygiene 614 Public health 615 Pharmacology. Therapeutics. Toxicology 616 Pathology 616.1 Circulatory system: Pathology 616.2 Respiratory system: Pathology 616.3 Digestive system: Pathology 616.4 Lymphatic, haematopoietic, 616.7 Musculoskeletal system: Pathology 616.8 Neurology 616.89 Psychiatry 616.9 Communicable diseases 617 Surgery 617.7 Ophthalmology 619 Veterinary science O....62 Ingenjörsverksamheter (konstruktion o d). Tillverkning ingår i 66-69. B: 620 Engineering and allied operations Includes: electronics, nanotechnology, aerospace, astronautics, robotics . N: 62 Engineering 620 Materials testing/Power stations 620.1 Materials testing 620.4 Power stations 621 Mechanical engineering 621.0 On to Nuclear technology 621.03 On to Nuclear technology 621.039 Nuclear technology 621.3 Electrical engineering. 621.39 Telecommunication: Electrical 622 Mining 623 Military engineering 624 Civil engineering 625 Land transport: Civil engineering 626 Hydraulic engineering 626.8 Agricultural hydraulics 628 Public health engineering 628.1 Water supply: Public health 629 Transport vehicle engineering 629.7 Aerospace engineering 006 Standards 006.8 Materials and Quality: Standards 006.82 Materials: Standards 006.83 Quality: Standards O....63 Biologisk produktion.Jordbruk,skogsbruk,jakt, fiske od B: 630 Agriculture and related technologies . Includes: animal husbandry and (veterinary science). N: 63 Agriculture and related sciences 630 Forestry 631 Agriculture 631.4 Soil science 632 Plant damage 633 Field crops: Horticulture 634 Horticulture 635 Gardening 636 Animal husbandry 637 Animal produce 638 Insect keeping. Bee keeping 639 Hunting. Fishing. Fish O....64 Hushållsarbeten. Energi- och hygienförsörjning. O....641 Matlagning. 642 Måltider, matservering, restauranger. O....643 Organisation av boende, personalrum o d, hotell. O....644 El-, gas-, värme-, vatten- hygienförsörjning o d. O....645 Användning av inventarier o d. O....646 Personlig hygien o d, klädvård (utom 648 tvätt o d). O....647 Allmän hushållsekonomi. Inkomster och utgifter mm. O....648 Städnings-, rengörings- och tvättverksamheter o d. O....649 Personvård: barn, hemsjukvård, allmänt hushållsarbete. B: 640 Home economics and family living. Includes: food research, cooking, furnishing N: 64 Home Economics 640 Types of household: Home Economics 640.4 Hotels: Home Economics O....65 Adm, distribution, kommunikation, organisation o d O....651 Kontorsarbete o d. Datoranvändning O....6520-6524 Opolitisk offentlig civil förvaltning. O....6525-6529 Militära verksamheter O....653 Handelsverksamheter. O....654 Telekommunikationsverksamheter. O....655 Förlagsverksamheter o d. O....656 Transportverksamheter, resbyrå, lagring o d. O....657 Penningverksamheter.Finans Försäkring.Skatter. O....658 Allm.företagsekonomi,Arbetsförmedling o-marknad O....659 Marknadsförings- och reklamverksamheter od. B: 330 Economics. Includes: business, finance, environment, economic development, trade unions 355 Military science Includes: land, air and naval forces 380 Commerce, communications, transportation Includes: consumer information, international trade, EDI, business and the Internet, radio and television. 650 Management and auxiliary services Includes: accounting, marketing, information management, advertising. 004-006 Computing and the Internet Includes: computer science, data processing, networking, programming, programs. See also software archives, mathematics and computing subject terms N: 33 Economics 330 On to Development studies 330.3 On to Development studies 330.34 Development studies 331 Employment. Job vacancies 355 Military science. War 368 Insurance 65 Management 654 Telecommunication: Management 655 Publishing: Management 656 Transport: Management 657 Accountancy: Management 658 Business: Management 659 On to Advertising 659.1 Advertising 018 Bookshops. Online bookstores
518 Computing O....66/68 Tillverkning av varor O....66 Tillverkning av kemivaror o d O....67 Tillverkning av bearbetningsvaror o d O....68 Tillverkning av komplexvaror B: 660 Chemical engineering Includes: metallurgy, biotechnology and food technology. 670 Manufacturing Includes: metalworking, textiles. 680 Manufacture for specific uses N: 66 Chemical technology 661 Chemicals: Production 662 Explosives. Fuels 663 Industrial microbiology 664 Food: Chemical technology 669 Metallurgy: Chemical 67 Industry. Crafts 673 Non-ferrous metal artefacts: Industry 675 Leather industry 677 Textile industry 68 Finished articles: Industry 685 Sports equipment: Industry O....69 Tillverkning/ byggande av byggnader o anläggningar B: 690 Buildings (Includes: construction, fire research.) N: 69 Building industry 698 Decorating: Building industry O....7 Formgivning av fysiska och sociala miljöer. B: 700 The arts N: 7 Arts O....70 Allmänt om konst o kultur. B: 700 The arts: general resources 700 Fine and decorative arts: general resources 700 Fine and decorative arts: artists 701 Fine and decorative arts: philosophy 703 Fine and decorative arts: dictionaries and encyclopaedias 705 Fine and decorative arts: journals and magazines 706 Fine and decorative arts: organisations 707 Fine and decorative arts: art schools 709 History of art O....71 Övergripande formgivning/planering av fysiska miljöer B: 710 Civic and landscape art N: 71 Physical planning 711 Regional planning 712 Landscape planning O....72 Formgivning av byggnader o anläggningar, arkitektur B: 720 Architecture N: 72 Architecture O....73 Skulptur o d. Museiverksamheter, konstutställning O....74 Konsthantverk,formgivning av bruksföremål.Inredning O....75/77 Bildkonst.75 Måleri.76 Grafik, tecken.77 Fotografi O....78 Musik ( konserter o d 792) B: 708 Art galleries and museums in the UK 708 Art galleries and museums worldwide 060 (General organisations and )museology. Includes: virtual tours of museum exhibits. 730 Plastic arts, sculpture 740 Drawing and decorative arts 750 Painting and paintings 760 Graphic arts, printmaking and prints 770 Photography and photographs 780 Music 002 The book Includes: book arts, book history. N: 06 (Organizations. Associations.) Museums 73 Sculpture 74 Drawing 75 Painting 76 Graphic arts 77 Photography 78 Music O....79 Seder o bruk, nöjen, sociala miljöer o verks.Sport O....7911-7913 Seder och bruk . O....7914-7919 Film, radio, TV, offentliga fester mm. O....792 Teater. Opera. Konserter. Revyer. Konstdans. O....793 Sällskapsnöjen. Sällskapsdans. Lek. O....794 Spel. Skicklighets-och turspel Lotteri. Lotto. Tips etc. B: 390 Customs, etiquette, folklore Includes: mythology. 790 Recreational and performing arts N: 39 Ethnology 396 Feminism. Women's studies 79 Recreation 791 Public entertainments 791.4 On to Cinema 791.43 Cinema. Films 792 Theatre 793 On to Dance 793.3 Dance 794 Board and table games 794.1 Chess 794.3 Backgammon O....795 Sociala miljöer och sociala verksamheter. O....7951 Sociologi. Socialvård. Kriminologi. O....7952/7956 Sociala miljöer o verks. i olika fysiska miljöer B: 300 Social sciences: general resources Includes: social science gateways, research centres, mailing lists, data centres 301 Anthropology Includes: resources in cultural, physical and biological anthropology. 301-306 Sociology Includes: social interaction and processes, social groups and population. 307 Urban communities Includes: new towns, urban planning .Avser sociala miljöer. 360 Social problems and services, association Includes: primary care and services to people with mental and physical disabilities. N: 30 Methodology : Social sciences 36 Social welfare and relief O....7957 Undervisning o d. B: 370 Education Includes: school Internet use, distance education, university home pages. N: 37 Education 372 Elementary education 373 On to Secondary education 373.5 Secondary education 374 Further education 376 Special education 377 Vocational education 378 Higher education O....7958 Sociala miljöer o sociala verksamheter i boendet O....7959 Sociala miljöer o verks.i allmänna grupper o d B: 060 General organisations (and museology Includes: virtual tours of museum exhibits.) N: 06 Organizations. Associations. (Museums) O....796/799 Sport, idrott o d. B: 796 Sport and outdoor actvities N: 796 Sport 797 Water and aerial sports O....8 Språkvetenskap. Litteraturvetenskap. Skönlitteratur. B: 400 Language 800 Literature and rhetoric N: 8 Languages. Linguistics. Literature O....80 Språk. Språkliga verksamheter. 802/809 motsvarar 82/89. B: 400 Language: general resources 401 Language: philosophy and theory 403 Dictionaries and encyclopaedias 407 Language education and research 409 Languages spoken around the world 410 Linguistics 414 Phonology and phonetics 415 Grammar 419 Sign language 420 English language 430 German language 439 Scandinavian languages 439.7 Swedish language 440 French language 450 Italian language 459 Romanian language 460 Spanish language 469 Portuguese language 470 Latin language 480 Greek language 490 Other languages N: 81 Linguistics. Languages 811 Languages 811.1 Indo-European languages 811.11 Germanic languages 811.111 English language 811.12 Italic languages 811.124 Latin language 811.13 Romance languages 811.133 On to French language 811.133.1 French language 811.134 Ibero-Romance languages 811.134.2 Spanish language 811.134.4 Galician language 811.14 Greek language (Hellenic) 811.15 Celtic languages 811.152 Goidelic languages 811.152.2 Scots Gaelic language 811.152.3 Manx language 811.153 Brythonic languages 811.153.1 Welsh language 811.153.2 Breton language 811.16 Slavic languages 811.3 On to Basque language 811.36 On to Basque language 811.361 Basque language O....81 Litteraturvetenskap, litteraturhistoria. 812/819 motsvarar 82/89. O....82/89 Skönlitteratur på olika språk O....82 Engelsk skönlitteratur o d. O....83 Tysk, nederländsk, nordisk skönlitt. O....84 Fransk skönlitteratur o d O....85 Italiensk skönlitteratur o d O....86 Spansk och portuguisisk skönlitteratur o d O....87 Grekisk och latinsk skönlitteratur o d O....88 Slavisk och baltisk skönlitteratur o d O....89 Skönlitt på orientaliska och övriga språk o d B: 800 Literature: general resources 808.8 Literature: general collections 808 General rhetoric 808.02 Authorship, writing and editorial techniques 808.88 Quotations 808.899 Childrens literature 809.89 Women writers 809 Literary study and criticism 809 Literature in specific forms 809 Poetry: general resources 810 American literature in English 810 Canadian literature 820 English, Scottish and Irish literature 830 German literature 840 French literature 850 Italian literature 860 Spanish and Portuguese literature 870 Latin literature 880 Classical Greek literature 890 Literature in other languages N: 82 Literature 821 Literature of individual languages 821.1 European literature 821.11 On to English literature 821.111 English literature 821.12 On to Latin literature 821.124 Latin literature 821.13 Romance languages literature 821.131 On to Italian literature 821.131.1 Italian literature 821.133 On to French literature 821.133.1 French literature 821.134 On to Spanish literature 821.134.2 Spanish literature 821.14 Greek literature 821.15 Celtic languages literature 821.152 Goedelic languages literature 821.152.2 Scots Gaelic literature 821.152.3 Manx literature 821.153 Brythonic languages literature 821.153.1 Welsh literature 821.153.2 Breton literature 821.16 Slavic languages literature 821.161 On to Russian literature 821.161.1 Russian literature O....9 Saklitterära verks.Allmän geografi o historia. Biografi. B: 900 Geography and history N: 9 Geography. Biography. History O....90 Tidningar, tidkrifter, journalistik. Blandade ämnen B: 070 News media, journalism, publishing Includes: booksellers and electronic publishing. 080 General collections Includes: collections of online books, texts, journals and magazines. 090 Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials N: 05 Periodicals 07 Journalism. Newspapers 09 Manuscripts O....91 Allmän geografi, reseskildringar.913/919 motsvarar 93/99. B: 910 Geography and travel N: 91 Geography 910 Travel: Geography 914 Europe: Geography 914.1 British Isles: Geography 914.11 Scotland: Geography 914.15 Ireland: Geography 914.2 England: Geography 914.29 Wales: Geography 914.3 Germany: Geography 914.35 On to Luxembourg: Geography 914.359 Luxembourg: Geography 914.36 Austria: Geography 914.37 Former Czechoslovakia: Geography 914.371 Czech Republic: Geography 914.376 Slovakia: Geography 914.38 Poland: Geography 914.39 Hungary: Geography 914.4 France: Geography 914.5 Italy: Geography 914.58 On to Malta: Geography 914.582 Malta: Geography 914.6 Spain: Geography 914.67 On to Andorra: Geography 914.672 Andorra: Geography 914.69 Portugal: Geography 914.7 Former European USSR: Geography 914.70 Russia: Geography 914.74 Baltic States: Geography 914.742 Estonia: Geography 914.743 Latvia: Geography 914.745 Lithuania: Geography 914.76 Byelorussia: Geography 914.79 Caucasus: Geography 914.792 On to Georgia (Gruziya): Geography 914.7922 Georgia (Gruziya): Geography 914.8 Scandinavia: Geography 914.80 Finland: Geography 914.81 Norway: Geography 914.85 Sweden: Geography 914.89 Denmark: Geography 914.9 Other European countries: Geography 914.91 On to Iceland: Geography 914.911 Iceland: Geography 914.92 Netherlands: Geography 914.93 Belgium: Geography 914.94 Switzerland: Geography 914.949 Liechtenstein: Geography 914.95 Greece: Geography 914.96 On to Albania: Geography 914.965 Albania: Geography 914.97 Balkans: Geography 914.971 Balkans: Geography 914.9711 Serbia: Geography 914.97115 Kosova: Geography 914.9712 Slovenia: Geography 914.9713 Croatia: Geography 914.9715 Bosnia and Herzegovina: Geography 914.9717 Macedonia: Geography 914.972 Bulgaria: Geography 914.98 Romania: Geography 915 Asia: Geography 915.1 China: Geography 915.12 On to Hong Kong/Macau: Geography 915.123 On to Hong Kong/Macau: Geography 915.1231 Hong Kong/Macau: Geography 915.12318 Macau: Geography 915.17 On to Mongolia: Geography 915.173 Mongolia: Geography 915.19 Korea: Geography 915.195 South Korea: Geography 915.2 Japan: Geography 915.29 Taiwan: Geography 915.3 Arabia: Geography 915.32 Saudi Arabia: Geography 915.36 Gulf States: Geography 915.362 United Arab Emirates: Geography 915.4 Indian subcontinent: Geography 915.40 India: Geography 915.47 Western India: Geography 915.49 On to Pakistan/Bangladesh: Geography 915.493 Bangladesh: Geography 915.6 Turkey: Geography 915.64 On to Cyprus: Geography 915.643 Cyprus: Geography 915.69 Levant: Geography 915.694 Israel: Geography 915.7 Former Asiatic USSR: Geography 915.71 Siberia: Geography 915.75 Former Soviet Central Asia: Geography 915.751 Uzbekistan: Geography 915.8 On to Afghanistan: Geography 915.81 Afghanistan: Geography 915.9 South-east Asia: Geography 915.91 Burma: Geography 915.92 On to Singapore: Geography 915.923 Singapore: Geography 915.926 Brunei: Geography 915.93 Thailand: Geography 915.94 Indonesia: Geography 915.95 Malaysia: Geography 915.96 Kampuchea: Geography 915.97 Vietnam: Geography 915.99 Philippines: Geography 916 Africa: Geography 916.1 Maghreb: Geography 916.11 Tunisia: Geography 916.12 Libya: Geography 916.2 Egypt: Geography 916.24 Sudan: Geography 916.3 Ethiopia: Geography 916.35 Eritrea: Geography 916.4 Morocco: Geography 916.48 Western Sahara: Geography 916.5 Algeria: Geography 916.6 West Africa: Geography 916.61 On to Mauretania: Geography 916.612 Mauretania: Geography 916.62 On to Mali: Geography 916.621 Mali: Geography 916.625 Burkina Fasso: Geography 916.626 Niger: Geography 916.63 Senegal: Geography 916.64 Sierra Leone: Geography 916.65 Gambia/Guinea/Cape Verde: Geography 916.651 Gambia: Geography 916.652 Guinea: Geography 916.658 Cape Verde: Geography 916.66 Liberia/Ivory Coast: Geography 916.662 Liberia: Geography 916.668 Ivory Coast: Geography 916.67 Ghana: Geography 916.68 Togo/Benin: Geography 916.681 Togo: Geography 916.682 Benin: Geography 916.69 Nigeria: Geography 916.699 On to Sao Tome and Principe: Geography 916.6995 Sao Tome and Principe: Geography 916.7 Central Africa: Geography 916.71 Cameroon/Equatorial Guinea: Geography 916.718 Equatorial Guinea: Geography 916.72 Gabon/Congo: Geography 916.721 Gabon: Geography 916.724 Congo: Geography 916.73 Angola: Geography 916.74 Central African Republic/Chad: Geography 916.741 Central African Republic: Geography 916.743 Chad: Geography 916.75 Zaire: Geography 916.759 Burundi/Rwanda: Geography 916.7597 Burundi: Geography 916.7598 Rwanda: Geography 916.76 Uganda/Kenya: Geography 916.761 Uganda: Geography 916.762 Kenya: Geography 916.77 Somalia: Geography 916.771 Djibouti: Geography 916.78 Tanzania: Geography 916.79 Mozambique: Geography 916.8 Southern Africa: Geography 916.80 South Africa: Geography 916.81 Botswana: Geography 916.83 On to Swaziland: Geography 916.834 Swaziland: Geography 916.86 On to Lesotho: Geography 916.861 Lesotho: Geography 916.88 Namibia: Geography 916.89 Zimbabwe/Zambia/Malawi: Geography 916.891 Zimbabwe: Geography 916.894 Zambia: Geography 916.897 Malawi: Geography 916.9 African islands: Geography 916.91 Madagascar: Geography 916.94 On to Comoros: Geography 916.941 Comoros: Geography 916.96 Seychelles: Geography 916.98 Mascarene Islands: Geography 916.981 Reunion: Geography 916.982 Mauritius: Geography 917 North America: Geography 917.1 Canada: Geography 917.2 Mexico and Central America: Geography 917.28 Central America: Geography 917.281 Guatemala: Geography 917.282 Belize: Geography 917.283 Honduras: Geography 917.284 El Salvador: Geography 917.285 Nicaragua: Geography 917.286 Costa Rica: Geography 917.287 Panama: Geography 917.29 Caribbean: Geography 917.291 Cuba: Geography 917.292 Jamaica 917.2929 Cayman Islands: Geography 917.293 Dominican Republic: Geography 917.294 Haiti: Geography 917.295 Puerto Rico: Geography 917.297 Leeward Islands: Geography 917.2971 U. S. Virgin Islands: Geography 917.2974 Guadeloupe: Geography 917.298 Windward Islands: Geography 917.2986 Barbados: Geography 917.2987 Trinidad and Tobago: Geography 917.2988 Netherlands Antilles: Geography 917.29881 Curacao: Geography 917.29882 Aruba: Geography 917.3 United States of America: Geography 917.4 North-eastern USA: Geography 917.41 Maine: Geography 917.43 Vermont: Geography 917.44 Massachusetts: Geography 917.45 Rhode Island: Geography 917.46 Connecticut: Geography 917.47 New York State: Geography 917.48 Pennsylvania: Geography 917.49 New Jersey: Geography 917.5 South-eastern USA: Geography 917.51 Delaware: Geography 917.52 Maryland: Geography 917.53 Washington DC: Geography 917.54 West Virginia: Geography 917.55 Virginia: Geography 917.56 North Carolina: Geography 917.57 South Carolina: Geography 917.58 Georgia: United States: Geography 917.59 Florida: Geography 917.6 South central USA: Geography 917.61 Alabama: Geography 917.63 Louisiana: Geography 917.64 Texas: Geography 917.66 Oklahoma: Geography 917.67 Arkansas: Geography 917.68 Tennessee: Geography 917.69 Kentucky: Geography 917.7 North central USA: Geography 917.72 Indiana: Geography 917.73 Illinois: Geography 917.74 Michigan: Geography 917.75 Wisconsin: Geography 917.76 Minnesota: Geography 917.77 Iowa: Geography 917.78 Missouri: Geography 917.8 Western USA: Geography 917.81 Kansas: Geography 917.82 Nebraska: Geography 917.83 South Dakota: Geography 917.86 Montana: Geography 917.88 Colorado: Geography 917.89 New Mexico: Geography 917.9 Pacific coast USA: Geography 917.91 Arizona: Geography 917.92 Utah: Geography 917.94 California: Geography 917.95 Oregon: Geography 917.96 Idaho: Geography 917.97 Washington State: Geography 917.98 Alaska: Geography 917.99 Hawaii: Geography 918 South America: Geography 918.1 Brazil: Geography 918.2 Argentina: Geography 918.3 Chile: Geography 918.4 Bolivia: Geography 918.5 Peru: Geography 918.6 Colombia/Ecuador: Geography 918.61 Colombia: Geography 918.66 Ecuador: Geography 918.7 Venezuela: Geography 918.8 Guyanas/Surinam: Geography 918.81 Guyana: Geography 918.82 French Guyana: Geography 918.83 Surinam: Geography 918.9 Paraguay/Uruguay: Geography 918.92 Paraguay: Geography 918.99 Uruguay: Geography 919 Oceania and polar regions: Geography 919.3 South West Pacific: Geography 919.31 New Zealand: Geography 919.32 New Caledonia: Geography 919.34 Vanuatu: Geography 919.4 Australia: Geography 919.5 On to Papua New Guinea: Geography 919.54 Papua New Guinea: Geography 919.6 Polynesia: Geography 919.61 Fiji/Tonga/Samoa: Geography 919.611 Fiji: Geography 919.612 Tonga: Geography 919.613 On to Western Samoa: Geography 919.6131 Western Samoa: Geography 919.63 Tahiti. French Polynesia: Geography 919.64 On to Pitcairn Islands: Geography 919.641 Pitcairn Islands: Geography 919.66 On to Marshall Islands: Geography 919.664 Marshall Islands: Geography 919.67 On to Guam: Geography 919.672 Guam: Geography 919.68 On to Nauru: Geography 919.685 Nauru: Geography 919.8 Arctic: Geography 919.88 Greenland: Geography 919.9 Antarctica: Geography O....92 Biografiska verksamheter, släkthistoria o d B: 920 Biography 929 Genealogy, names, insignia N: 92 On to Biography 929 Biography O....93/99 Historieskrivande verksamheter, allmän historia. O....93 Allmänt om allm. historia. Världs- och forntidshistoria. O....94 Medeltidens o nya tidens hist. i allmänhet och i Europa O....95 Medeltidens o nya tidens historia i Asien. O....96 Medeltidens o nya tidens historia i Afrika. O....97 Medeltidens o nya tidens hist i Nord- o Mellanamerika O....98 Medeltidens o nya tidens historia i Sydamerika O....99 Medeltiden o nya tiden: Australien. Oceanien. Rymden B: 900 History: general resources 900 History: departments 900 History: journals 909 World history 930 History of ancient world 940 History of Europe 941-2 History of the British Isles 950 History of Asia and the Far East 960 History of Africa 970 History of North America 980 History of South America 990 History of other parts of the world N: 93 Ancient history 931 Ancient history (general) 934 India: Ancient history 936 Europe: Ancient history 937 Rome: Ancient history 938 Greece: Ancient history 94 History 940 Europe: History 95 On to Asia: History 950 Asia: History 96 On to Africa: History 960 Africa: History 97 On to North America: History 970 North America: History 973 United States of America: History 98 On to South America: History 980 South America: History 99 On to Oceania and polar regions: History 990 Oceania and polar regions: History
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